SN Caucasus - Baku, Azerbaijan
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Company name
SN Caucasus
89 Ataturk avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
- Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Amil BayramovCompany manager
Amil BayramovEstablishment year
101-200E-mail address
Company description
SN (Startup Network Caucasus) is an Azerbaijani-language ecosystem organizer.
The essence of the ecosystem is to bring together participants from government, business, media, finance, education, science, technology, innovation and startups to achieve the following goals:
1. Creation of real start-ups and development of innovative entrepreneurship in the country
2. Increasing the share of innovative products and services in the development of the non-oil sector
3. Digitalization of the country's economy
4. By creating local technological products and services and applying them in the country, reducing technological dependence on foreign countries
5. Implementation and promotion of local cyber security solutions
6. Increasing technological awareness across the country
It is
The essence of the ecosystem is to bring together participants from government, business, media, finance, education, science, technology, innovation and startups to achieve the following goals:
1. Creation of real start-ups and development of innovative entrepreneurship in the country
2. Increasing the share of innovative products and services in the development of the non-oil sector
3. Digitalization of the country's economy
4. By creating local technological products and services and applying them in the country, reducing technological dependence on foreign countries
5. Implementation and promotion of local cyber security solutions
6. Increasing technological awareness across the country
It is
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the intention to take the local tech environment to a new level by bringing everyone together.#sncaucasus
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